In our society, physical appearance is something that we all consider. However, aesthetics are too often prized in a way that we lose sight of what’s truly important.
How does our physical weight weigh on us psychologically?
Is appearance the driving force behind weight management? Does the benefit of weight management only extend so far as to alter the reflection in the mirror? With these questions in mind, let’s delve into the implication behind that number on the scale.
My thought is that, beyond size and shape, physicality should be interpreted as an indication of our health. In the present, our body weight influences how we feel day-to-day. Our health status now also paves the path for the decades to come. A high waist circumference is associated with an increased risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Excess weight also affects hormonal balance, which impacts our mood and energy levels. Thus, the greatest incentive of weight management through a nutritious diet and regular physical activity is an improved quality of life – to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, to feel energetic, to keep up with our children, to maintain an edge, and to promote longevity.
As a strong believer in preventive health, it resonates with me to maintain strength at the forefront rather than to remediate down the road. Keeping your weight in check is more than just for physical appearances – it is for the desire to be the healthiest version of yourself now and in the years to come.