helping busy individuals optimize their diet and lifestyle

By using scientific research and tailor-made nutrition plan, you can make a meaningful and lasting change to your lifestyle.
Ready to transform your life and achieve your goals?​


experienced registered dietitan in vancouver (currently non-practicing, on maternity leave)

Nutrition can mean different things to different people. To me, nutrition is the cornerstone to good health and well-being. Good nutrition involves knowledge, exploration, balance, and motivation.

As a Registered Dietitian, I will provide you with the tools to attain proper nutrition. I will help empower you to strive for the best version of yourself.

My passion is to translate scientific principles into practical daily applications for my clients. My philosophy is that no goal is too far out of reach as long as you engage it with tenacity.

keys to balanced nutrition

Although food is a part of our daily lives, busy schedules, medical concerns and emotions can make nutritional choices very challenging.
My science-based, individual approach will allow you to:


Nourishing food choices

Fuel your body with the proper balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. I teach you how to optimize your metabolism, manage hunger cues, and eat from true, physiological hunger.

Healthy grocery shopping

With new products on the shelves each day, grocery shopping has never been so complicated. Is gluten-free healthier? How do I read labels? I help you understand how to shop with your health in mind.

Positive life attitude

Disordered eating can derail your nutritional goals. Schedule constraints, emotional eating, and lack of planning can all lead to overeating. We will develop successful strategies to satiate your appetite.

articles & resources

My love of Japanese food and culture

My love of Japanese food and culture

To appreciate something is to, first, understand it deeply. It is to embrace the experience with little reservation and to…
Uncovering the overdose

Uncovering the overdose

For as far back as I can recall, I have been a tea drinker. It wasn’t just any tea. I…
Skin health 101

Skin health 101

From a young age, I was taught that food can have beneficial effects for your skin. My Mom told me,…

get in touch

Finally achieve your nutritional goals, find balance in your life,
and optimize your metabolism